5 Things You Should Do Before You Start Manifesting
Are you struggling with your manifestations recently? Do you feel like you’re missing something? Do these 5 things before you start manifesting to see amazing improvements.
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Have you ever felt like your manifestations aren’t working and you don’t know why? You seem to be doing everything correctly and still, nothing happens? The answer might be in the preparation phase before you start manifesting. Read on to see how you can improve your manifestations using these simple tips.
Manifesting is, in essence, a simple process. At least it can be and should be. I see a lot of people who are new to the Law of Attraction that over complicate things by adding some unnecessary rituals etc. In my experience, these additional things serve no purpose, or sometimes can be even harmful and damage your manifesting.
With that being said there are some things that you should do before you start manifesting. Some of them are meant to clear out your mind and bring more focus. Some of them tune your thoughts and frequency to better align your path with the aim of your manifestation. And some of them are similar to a warmup any athlete does before they compete. Over the years I have perfected these techniques to get on a higher level with my manifesting. I have seen tangible results and improvement once I started paying attention to them. So let’s get into some things I recommend you do before you start manifesting.
You need to define your goal before you start manifesting
Defining the goal of your manifestations seems like an obvious thing, yet I see people get this part wrong all the time. You need to understand that The Universe is never withholding anything from you on purpose. The Universe wants to grant you the things from your desires. However, it is your responsibility to make sure your desires are tuned to your personality and the frequency of your vibration. And then you need to have them clearly defined. Only then will you be able to receive the blessings.
So, this is how do you define your goal before you start manifesting
First, you must be very specific about the thing you’re trying to manifest.
If it’s the wealth you’re after, specify the sum or the objects that will create the life of luxury you want in your life.
If you’re manifesting a relationship, define the person as much as you can, even including details such as the tone of voice, manner of speaking, gestures this person will be doing when they are with you.
If it’s an event you want happening, such as a promotion in your job, imagine the inside of the office you will occupy when being given this dream job of yours.
Whatever it might be, hopefully, you get the point of being very specific before you start manifesting.
Your mind must be clear before you start manifesting
Another one that seems obvious and another one some people get wrong when they start manifesting. The key is not to have your head empty. That is impossible. We’re always thinking something or about something, that’s our nature.
What a clear mind means is more about focus. You must get rid of all your distractions that are not related to the object you’re just about to start manifesting. For example when you’re manifesting a relationship then all other things are not important. Had a bad day at work? Stop thinking about it. In fact: had a great day at work? Also, stop thinking about it :D. Let your mind concentrate on this one particular thing or things that are directly related to it.
Your surroundings must be in tune before you start manifesting
Very much related to the above, you have to make sure the place you’re in is suitable for manifesting. It should be a place where you can be alone. It should be shielded from artificial sounds.
What do I mean by that? Well, as the name says: anything that is not natural. The sounds of the forest or a water stream are perfect for manifesting since one of the keys to successful manifesting and high vibrations is being in tune with nature. Sound of car traffic, construction machines, etc: not so much. Hope you get the point.
If you can, try to aim for natural light. If you can’t, make sure the light is soft and warm.
If you are in a building and not outside in nature, make sure the place is clean from dirt and that it is neatly arranged. Avoid the mess and definitely avoid dirt.
And finally, it is also important to choose a place where you feel safe. Obviously, your home should be that, but you can make other places feel safe and secure.
Do a “mental warm-up” before you start manifesting
Just like a physical warm-up before the competition is crucial to the performance of an athlete, so is a “mental warm-up” before you start manifesting. Your mind must be set on your goal and tuned in to the vibrations.
A great exercise I found to be working for me is recalling all the previous successful manifestations. Make sure you won’t just recall the thing or the event you manifested. Try to remember the feeling that was associated with it.
What emotions were going through your head? How did it make you feel to have it? Trust me, it really is an amazing way to get your vibrations super high. The Universe will recognize that.
Believe. Visualize. Accept it as it is already yours.
Simple as that. All of your manifesting needs the foundation, the basics, the cornerstone of the Law of Attraction. Believe that your manifestation has already been successful before you even start manifesting. Without this element, you can have all the tools and techniques in the world, and yet none of it will produce results.
Thank you for reading this article. All of the things I talked about here have proved themselves to be a great help when manifesting. You should try them yourself and see how much they will improve your manifesting and also build up your confidence. As usual, I encourage you to try and make these techniques your own. Tweak and modify them to better suit your personality.
To wrap up I wanted to share with you an amazing tool that has helped me greatly along the way. It took my manifestations to a whole different level. It helped me to build back my confidence after a “not so awesome” period of my life. If you’d like to find out more, you can read my full review of this program here.
Or if you’re already convinced of the benefits, go ahead and visit their official website using my affiliate link.
Stay awesome!