60 Self Love Affirmations To Increase Your Confidence
Learn to create your own Self Love Affirmations and your confidence and self-esteem will skyrocket.
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We all need love. Our nature demands affection from others. However, even more importantly we require self love. And what better way to fuel this feeling than through self love affirmations.
Your road to happiness always starts (and ends!) with you. Before you start being pleased with the world around you, you have to be pleased with yourself. Before you spread happiness and joy to people around you, you must feel happy. And before you are able to give love to someone, you must first give love to yourself. This is why self love affirmations are so vital and so important in your life.
In this article I wanted to introduce you to the concept of these self love affirmations, why do you need them, how to create your own and I also wanted to dispel some misconceptions around them. I also have an article on Morning Affirmations to help you start your each day. And if you’re interested in topics like Manifesting, or Law of Attraction, feel free to check these as well.
“Self love affirmations are selfish”
Let’s get a few things out of the way first. Self love (and per extensions: self love affirmations) are often perceived as a sign of selfishness. I don’t agree with this direct implication. True, people who are selfish are often “in love with themselves”. However, what makes selfish people different, is that they focus only on themselves.
As I mentioned: love for yourself is one of the key components of being a better person. You start with loving yourself because you need it before you give love away. Not because this is your only goal. So, as long as you show love to others around you, there is no fear of being seen as selfish. You can fire away with your self love affirmations as much as you wish.
“Self love affirmations are shallow”
Another thing I see is people calling self love affirmations as vain and shallow. Again: they can be shallow if you make them that way. You need to remember that they are specifically about you, about who you are, about how unique you are and how different and varied your goals are. Now, the ones I list below: they work for me. Some of them will work for you, some won’t. It is your task to be inspired by these self love affirmations and to create your own that are in tune with your personality and life path.
60 Self love affirmations for you
- I love myself
- I deserve happiness
- I radiate positive energy
- My heart is filled with joy
- I embrace the love of the Universe
- I attract love into my life
- I am self compassionate to myself during challenging times
- I forgive myself for all my mistakes
- I celebrate my success
- I trust my abilities
- I repel negativity
- I always try my best
- Love flows to me and from inside of me
- I focus all the Energy around me
- I radiate confidence
- I am strong
- I follow my intuition
- I have a positive impact on others around me
- I set myself a clear life path
- I do not let negative feelings inside me
Self love affirmations need to be about you
This might sound like an obvious thing to say, however, it can’t be stressed enough. By now you have probably spotted that almost all these self love affirmations start with I. There is a reason for that: it sends a very strong message to the Universe. It serves as a beacon to carry the message across. Of course, sometimes “I” will not fit grammatically at the start, and that’s ok. What’s important is maintaining that personal focus.
- I embrace challenge
- I am creative
- I shape my life path how I please
- I am loved
- I bring happiness to everyone around me
- I am respected at my work
- I am proud of my accomplishments
- My mind is focused
- I have a clear purpose in life
- I am worthy of the blessings
- I am a better person every day
- I take good care of my body and my mind
- I carefully choose people to surround myself with
- I know myself, therefore I know how to better myself
- My heart deserves love and my body deserves pleasure
- I am thankful for all I have
- My body is healthy and strong
- My experience and skills are invaluable
- I deserve to be loved
- I use the Energy around me to my will
Self love affirmations should vary
If you want to get the best results and the highest positive Energy from your self love affirmations, make sure to mix general affirmations, such as “I am loved” with specific ones that target an area of your life, such as your work or a particular trait you have. Of course, it is perfectly fine to put emphasis on some areas more than others, if this helps you with your manifesting.
- My life is at a perfect balance right now
- I have a clear life path and I follow it
- I find happiness and happiness finds me
- I always chose the right path from endless opportunities
- My creations bring joy to everyone close to me
- My positive Energy I give out returns to me multiplied
- I am in perfect harmony with the Universe
- I draw joy and strength from good days and experience from bad days
- I have the strength to endure tough challenges
- I don’t allow doubt and fear to control my life
- I love my family and friends
- I am thankful for people who support me
- I am unique and this makes me strong
- My strengths outpower my limits
- I celebrate my life
- I share what I was blessed with
- I feel the support of the Universe each day
- I believe in myself
- I accept myself
- I am enough
Thank you for reading this article. Feel free to use these self love affirmations as a source of inspiration for your own passionate journey to boost your confidence, increase the positive vibrations and enhance this incredible aura that shines around you.
If you would like to learn more on the art of Manifesting, I have plenty of articles on my blog that might interest you. I also wanted to point you towards an amazing program that has worked wonders for thousands of people, yours truly included. You can read all about it in my review here. Or you can also use my direct affiliate link to see it for yourself.
Or if your mindest needs some positive boost to set your life path the right way, you might be interested in this free introduction. These methods have been fine-tuned by one of the most successful entrepreneurs.
Stay awesome.