Law of Attraction — How to Start Manifesting Great Things in Your Life in 2020 and beyond

In this article, we dive deep into the basic principles of Law of Attraction. We will look into how it can (and will) help you and what exactly you need to do to benefit your life.

My Happy Manifesting
5 min readJun 18, 2020


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What is The Law of Attraction?

Law of Attraction (LoA) is one of the most basic and most important laws governing the rules of our Universe. It is what decides your fate and the course your life is taking.

The main principle states that each one of us is able to attract things we desire through the power of our thoughts, Manifestations, energy and Vibrations. This means that all of our thoughts and things we visualize eventually materialize in the real world. You have the power to create things and events that you think of. It also means that whatever kind of energy you emit, you receive back. This is based on the principle of conservation of energy.

Law of Attraction affects all of us, regardless of which corner of the world we were destined to arrive. It influences the lives of people from all age groups, genders, cultures and religions.

Unfortunately, bad things can also come to the realization in your life if you spend too much time on them. And here is a very important point: all of this happens whether you do that consciously or not.

This is exactly why you need to understand its rules, its principles and its intricacies. This understanding will be the cornerstone of happiness in your life and it will allow the Universe to align with your deepest desires. This is how it all started for me.

Finally, the last important point that people get wrong is that Law of Attraction with its visualizations and manifestations are the only things you need in your life. No, they’re not. They are the tools. Magnificent, fascinating, powerful tools, that still need an Operator. A Creator. You. I will expand on this point further.

Why should you be interested in The Law of Attraction?

At this point, we have already partially answered this question. Forces described by Law of Attraction are something that impacts all of us and all of the time, and most importantly: they do so with or without us being aware of it. Unfortunately, many people are still in the blind when it comes to LoA.

The good news is that there are efforts to shift the minds of people to this miraculous phenomenon. The foundations of Law of Attraction have been discussed many times throughout history, often by greatest thinkers of all time. And this trend seems to continue to this day. Currently, LoA has many advocates and supporters, with most notable being influential and respected figures such as Oprah.

Below I have explained the basics as I understand them. However, I would also like to point you towards a program designed by an expert in this field, a person who has been highly successful thanks to mastering advanced techniques. On top of that, his high energy is an instant boost to your Vibrations. Feel free to check out this video.

How to apply the principles of The Law of Attraction in your life?

Let’s make one thing absolutely clear: the Law of Attraction in itself is not what will bring you happiness. LoA is simply a description of the forces in the Universe and how they work. What can bring you happiness is… (can you guess already?)… You! You are the Creator, you have all the power in the Universe to make things happen.

One important thing to point out that you not only control the direction or the focus of your manifestation, you also control its strength. You do that through increasing the level of your vibrations. I have a great article on how to increase your vibrations, as well as what can harm your vibration.

So, how to manifest correctly?

The most universal pattern you should be following is: Ask, Believe, Receive. Let’s dive briefly into each of the three components. For a more detailed explanation, as well as tips and resources that I use, hit the links to respective articles.


This can be done in many ways: through manifestations, visualizations, affirmations, both expressive (like verbal) and internal (thoughts), it can be through meditation or prayer. None of these methods is better or worse, each can be simply more suited to particular people, their situation or their life alignment.

Few key points to remember when it comes to Ask:

  • Be very specific with your intentions and desires. Remember that according to rules of Law of Attraction, you are given that which you “vibrate” out.
  • Never go into negative emotions when manifesting. Avoid statements like: I need more money because I can’t afford something.
  • Instead of the above, search yourself for positive feelings associated with the object you manifest.
  • Manifest in present tense. That means adjusting your mind to thinking that the object is already in your life.


You have to remember that the Universe wants to help you. It won’t do so however without you acknowledging the powers it is offering. You need to believe in your manifestations and you need to do so actively.

Some ways you can enhance this are:

  • Be patient. Learn to wait for great things in life.
  • Be confident. Trust in the forces of the Universe and more importantly: trust in yourself.
  • Show gratitude for what you already have.
  • Look for signs. Search around yourself. Are you seeing the thing you manifest around you?
  • Search your memory for other successful manifestations in your life.
  • Acknowledge other success stories. Research the history of other successful people. What led them to greatness?
  • And finally: simply take action. Universe will align your path, but once again: it won’t do so without your input.


The receiving part is just as important as the other two. Make no mistake: this is not the end of your manifestation. It is merely a stage that will allow you to jump straight into your next object to manifest.

So, what are the key elements here?

  • Signs at an increased frequency. If you start seeing the signs more and more often to the point of them surrounding you, that means you’re at the Receiving stage.
  • As soon as you see these signs you must emphasize the “living as if” part described earlier.
  • Another important thing to look for are new opportunities.
  • Get excited. Get euphoric and happy.
  • Don’t be anxious or impatient.
  • Be grateful. Sounds kind of obvious, but can’t be stressed enough.

I really hope you have found this intro into Law of Attraction useful. I have added links in the text that will lead you to a more detailed explanation of each key topic discussed here. Feel free to check them out and remember that in time each section will keep getting expanded. For a full version of this article, go here.

Law of Attraction is a magnificent and spectacular phenomenon and I’m sure we will not run out of topics to discuss any time soon.

Stay awesome!



My Happy Manifesting
My Happy Manifesting

Written by My Happy Manifesting

I love writing about the Law of Attraction, Manifesting, high Vibrations and just having amazing and fulfilling life. Full articles at

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